Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Hitting that year mark

A year since the surgery...

I have recently hit that a year post surgery mark (on the 12th of July). Yup its a big milestone. A year since I had the surgery to give me access to the hearing world again. Soon it will be a year since my switch on which is on the 9th of August. I remember that day like it was yesterday - hearing my mam's laugh sounding like bells, people being daleky sounding and even hearing birds; which still bug the hell out of me. Aye I cannot stand them!

The last few months have been so manic that I haven't had time to update the blog. So many things have happened. For example I have recently gained a job. I still some days cannot believe how wonderful my CI's are - the fact I can hear people in a noisy shop environment whilst serving customers. Yet my hearing have improved even more, with me recently having my CI's tuned at Nottingham on my final tuning post switch on block.

Ropewalk did their normal thing of checking my hearing through all the beeps and buzzes on different frequencies starting quiet then getting louder. After that I had to do a listening test which involved me listening to a voice from speakers dotted around the room. I must say that was the weirdest thing I experienced. Hearing a little girls' voice saying 'Where am I?' 'Can you hear me?' with me then having to figure out where the sound came from.
Going a little off track here but it reminded me of a Doctor Who episode with a little boy going 'Are you my mummy'. That's how strange it was hearing that recording!

During that test I was also trying out a new programme called Scanner, which my audiologist put onto the processors. Basically what Scanner does is automatically adjusting my CI's according to the environmental sounds. So if it hears speech the CI's turn up louder if I cannot hear the person I am focusing on. However it does get it wrong occasionally, for example listening to my heavy rock/ metal music in my room on loud. It thinks I want it to be quieter so it turns down. Slightly annoying but I just switch my processors onto a normal programme now when listening to music so I don't  have this problem.  
Although the Scanner has become amazing at  work when I am listening to different accents and people who mumble. In the case of the accents it tries to balance them out and the mumbling get turns up a heck lot louder!
Just before I left Ropewalk, my audiologist told me that I had one decibel off nearly full hearing range like hearies. I was gobsmacked its better than what I ever had when I was a hearing aid user. This reminds me to the time last year where I was only considering only one CI or even not having it done. So glad I went down the route of having both done, even though that took some convincing. Thanks Mam and my TOD's!

Still pimping the CI's...

Since the sunshine came out I began decorating my CI's for different events I have had. Such as birthdays, weddings and proms. I have noticed it had began to catch on more in my area even old people are doing it!

Rhinestones, nail foils and washi tape are the best for any types of aids as they are easy to put on and remove.

Here are a few I have done:

So what's next on the horizon...

I am counting down to my Switch On birthday and to celebrate it; I am planning to get a big chocolate muffin and stick a candle in it (*singsongy* happy birthday CI's)...
I am also waiting for AS results day in mid August. Hopefully, this extra year I have took because of what happened with me losing my hearing last year affecting my exam results, will have paid off and will be worth it.
Also I have a fab summer with volunteering with NDCS on their summer camps.

Let the madness to begin!