Sunday, 28 April 2013

Reality becomes crashing in - i thought you were deaf aware!

This week...

It was this week that I experienced someone being not deaf aware. To be honest it shouldn't have affected me as it would normally done, as I would have just shuck it off and carried on.

The person who did it too me was someone who I had known for years! I would have thought they had learnt by now but apparently not!

I just come back from my Easter break and was in class. I had explained to my teacher that my hearing had disappeared and that I needed them to be more aware of how they stand, talk etc. Any deaf person reading this would understand.
Their response to me was 'I will try...' my immediate thought was you will not try, you will do! I feel like giving them the death stare, or trying to hypnotise them. Impossible, but that's what I get for watching too much Sci-Fi films... 

It didn't end there that lesson, it just got worse and split over a couple of days. Deaf awareness should have been a key thing as this person had known me for many years. I asked them to repeat what had just been said, as it wasn't just me who missed the whole conversation. My interpreter was the same, kind of my fault for asking my interpreter to sign the last sentence again as I got mixed up.
Me: Would you repeat that again, please!
Them: Nope, must carry on with the lesson.

Oooo, that made me mad!

In addition to this my coursework it suppose to be finished apparently. Although with all the hearing loss and many appointment to the hospital in various parts of the country, means I do miss school occasionally. The rest of my teachers have took it into consideration whereas this one doesn't fully understand!
Therefore I am playing catching up, with the glare that comes in my direction every now and then!

I think to solve this problem of people not being deaf aware, I might do a meeting to talk about what I am going through; whilst trying to get them to understand it hard being disadvantaged with a slight hearing loss, that being profoundly deaf is twice the difficultness!

AND breathe, rant over!

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