Friday, 14 June 2013

Stunned Faces


Few months ago at a usual dinner time in my 6th form. All huddled around a table whilst eating our lunches. General chitchat being passed around. I was trying my best to keep involved with the conversation, reading lips. At one point I got lost as three people's mouth moved at once. It was like watching goldfishes mouths pop open and close all move at once, but I became my own worse enemy. I didn't ask any one what I just missed.
Someone shortly afterwards asked me on my opinion of what was being talked about. I didn't have a clue.
I knew I should have asked but as some deaf people do, they nod and let the conversation carry on. Also I could hear before with my hearing aids in, now zilch. People were just carrying on as normal. 

This happened again to me last week, but I had a different response. I stopped the conversation and actually asked what when off. Cue the stunned faces!  Since losing my hearing completely my confidence has grown. I wanted to know what was being said, even if it was something I am not interested in.
Although some of the conversations that I walk in on are really awkward/interesting...
One of my friends mentioned 'lady-boys'. My first initial reaction was huh? Without thinking, I said what just had be said. *cue more strange faces*
Why was this being talked about, but then when I started putting the conversation together I understood that it had been a TV programme and my TA originally brought it up. Weird but this keeps happening to me recently. I look up to find myself in a middle of a conversation, with some rather weird comments being spoken. It is these things that make my family laugh when I tell them about my day, as its an experience for them as well me. 

On the plus side people are now starting to be more deaf aware (apart from the odd few who can't seem to drill it into their head - 'she has gone deaf, must not stand in front of the light etc.'), my closest friends are sometimes just seeing the puzzled look on my face and just start repeating what had been said.
Thank goodness, the stunned faces seem to be no more!

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